long awaited updates
hi my readers,it's been eon. and no complains and requests to update my blog means it is becoming obselete. am i right?
since the last time i posted an entry which was in the midst of my attachment, things have progressed pretty much.
Before I was down with tonsilitis AGAIN, my church had a celebrities night which i took part in as a contestant for a karaoke competition. sang 张学友’s 三天两夜。 got a consolation prize. my darling also took part...thought she did well too.
really, it was encouraging until when words of encouragement came from adults and friends, including chek. then again, i wonder if i'd deserved at least a third.
i thought of not participating in competition like that anymore.
so after tat day, i fell sick with super irritating tonsilitis which tortured me so much that i playing with the idea of an operation. but was informed by dear that it'll affect my vocal chords which i will live to regret. AND if anyone had noticed...my MSN nickname was " as long as i live, i wanna praise the Lord with the talents He has giventh me"... i couldn't bear to think i wouldn't be able to sing.
this time i was given 10 days of antibiotic with several medicine (not for 10 days la). With me sick and out, i had only 3 days to complete my attachment report... 10 pages worth. siao!
with days of porridge and porridge for a few consecutive meals, i was treated to sharkfins, crabs (which i didn't eat), prawns, tofu, sweet and sour pork on one evening, and the day after, lunch was 大鱼大肉,大盘菜,面,鱼。。。church's anniversary at the turf club.
after that, i went to my fren's wedding dinner.. and off course the young adults at church had a flea market.
this market had proven to me that God outgives. It also proves Henry's right.
and that certainly leaves me with no comments other than he is blessed. He learns to give, only to know that God doesn't shortchange him and his family. Great man.
sorry man, 我办不到!On one hand, i thank and admire him for his spirit of free-giving and generosity and at the same time, i feel awkward, stressed and so undermined being who i am in where i positioned.
well meanwhile, i shouldn't continue ranting or else it'll bores u.
now that holiday has begun for me..., school is also around the corner. I am looking fwd to spending a great holiday with my dear at genting b4 school. and the above zoo trip which i went with chek was surely one of the highlights of my quick and virtually 'kosong' holiday.
woohoo...i've also completed my recording for first love.
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