5th sem...
1. I joined in a discussion with 2 yr1: a gurl and a guy. guy was an aspiring philo major. well, he was babbling about socrates and plato...and accusing religious freak and god- particularly to Christian God as imagined and unreal. and when he said something which totally slap him on his cheek, i really felt like raining apologetics... perhaps i'm not ready... i didn't. and i kept reminding myself...they are lost sheeps... furthermore he went on to say that truth is relative. crap.2. Had a retreat with God last sat with the BAG group (CGs). It was good. sorted all some stuff... which is good... and yep! i've formed my life purpose statement!
3. Thank God for providing me with enough money for food...and having to bring people to treat me and also giving me enough to eat enough.
4. The reading for this sem is getting outta hand, esp for Hist. Doing nation building and although it is a hist module...it is unlike the past when regurgitation worked perfectly. This time round, there's alot of critiqu-ing...and lotsa lotsa thick reading. SAI!
5. apart from school, tests (inevitable), papers and other assignments: i am doing ushering with an org, am starting tuition and also helping sam with chem... also, i'm stretching my faith to equip myself with reading thai bible with some of my school frens and a thai christian ajarn.
yep! so my 5th sem as a tertiary student will once again be colourful... nicely coloured i hope.
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