Monday, July 31, 2006

drip drip....someone's' talking

i was on the way to p.ubin during the recent post nvac camp chalet.

suddenly the song "who am i" came into mind.
" i am a flower quickly fading here today and gone tomorrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapour in the wind...
still u hear me when i'm calling lord u catch me when i'm falling...and u told me who i am...i am yours."

"....who am i? that the voice that calmed the sea would call out thru the rain and calm the storm in me..."

"not becos who i am but becos of what u've done, not becos of what i've done but becos of who u are"

and you know the picture of a water droplets that we see around in school when we were young? the "save water- water is precious" sorta campaign...
ya...imagine now, they are really really small...tiny..but we can still them..
(go splash some water on ur face if u still cannot see droplets of water)

what strike me is that our lives are like the waves tossed in the ocean
our lives are so small and perhaps unimportant, insignificant, compared to the sea...

when i was on the bumboat to and from ubin, i saw myself as the tiny drop of water created when the boat sliced the water body... the tiny drop of water came and gone...quick as i can type 'this'. my life is also as short as it is...but Lord you hear me when i call...u know who i am...u make my 1% DNA different from rest of ur creation...
Lord you know my heart's desire...Lord u know me..

suddenly, my life as a water droplet doesn't seem too small worth a Man's life.
He is Jesus.

someone reminded me that i am first a christian then a leader, a server.
someone asked if i am spending as much time with God praying like i am doing things.
someone mentioned i've committed myself to many activities.
someone said " If Christianity is dull and boring, if it is a burden and not a blessing, then most likely you are involved in a project, not a Person- a system not a Saviour, rules than a relationship"
someone shared with me that he finds pleasing God easier as compared to pleasing men.


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