Friday, May 19, 2006

family and war

after the madness of having to catch episodes after episodes of non-stop action...
i've finished the serial..
disappointing ending... too abrupt to my liking.

today, everyone's at home. sis made breakfast. and the both of us helped in preparing lunch... hafen done such activity as a family for long time.. i had to peel lotsa small onions man...

would u defend ur country in times of crisis?
if i were to defend my country, would it be due to e oath I swore and the allegiance which i made in 2003 and 2004? it could be due to the fact that my loved ones - family and frens, are here therefore i am protecting and defending.
What would i do if my family has left for a safe place...would i still stay and fight? if so...the reason for me to defend this soil would not primarily be pple or relationship..but the sense of ownership towards my home called spore...
but what did we,The post-65ers do to own this piece of land?
What do the oath that is merely strings of words mean when we struggle whether to run or to fight?

there's a saying in chinese
'country before home'

without a country, one cannot set up one's family.
but since a country is a construct; a construct of the people...and/or resources...and that family is a mobile unit...isn't it convenient to move with our family?

i know frens who will leave as soon as danger lurks...i know frens who will not.

then again, i think a physical war is less likely to occur in spore..


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