Friday, March 10, 2006

the good that pain can do

what might be the purpose of the daily bread that rbc distributes, inspired by writers who shares by writing their testimonies and knowledge?
ans: to show God's far-sightedness.
God is faithful to those who sorta lost him along the way
He is even more faithful to those who seek after His heart. He has ways to get to you, to remind u to abide in Him.
Daily bread on mar 9: 'It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.' - Psalm 119:71
and as the daily bread refers me to 1Peter 1-3, i got ministered by v11 instead.

11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.

another topic,
spiritual battle..
this is terrible. i am beginning to realise how real this is.
The Enemy surely love to test u, make things hard on u, play punk with u when u are doing God's work...
Auntie muifong once said that as soon as both auntie jenny and her prayed for an elderly woman who was open to the gospel and signs of her beginning to have faith in God, there was news of her child being involved in an accident and was admitted to the hospital.
While we are doing God's work, the enemy will wanna weaken our determination.
So it is impt to ALWAYS SAFEGUARD each others in prayers, it is even more impt to do God's work with the strength God provides.

This enemy knows how weak humans can be...he will strike u where it hurts...but ultimately ultimately ultimately we will win cos we hold the trump card.
For me, the week that is almost over is one that i find myself engaging and witnessing spiritual warfare.

'it hurts so much to see u the way u are now.
where are u standing exactly?
do u love us or not?
or are u filling us with beautiful lies and magical deceptions?

it irks so much to see u the way u are now.
what are u doing exactly?
do u know who we are or not?
or are u filling us with weariness and hurt?

run, run away
run to the pt when u will just stop.
u can run , but not hide...not even in the darkest corner of ur lil world.
cos he can find and he will find u
in that place
and let His light shine.

come, come back
wun u just come back.
lay them all down at the feet
cling to him and not on earthly things
u can cry, cry out loud and with his hands,
he will one day lift u up like an eagle.'

O God, let ur glorious plan unfold b4 me.


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