@ church
@ church.
am missing her.
after 5 days of me at KK; another 5 days of her at KL.
many things to do..
was told not to over stretched myself.
yfc - camp - birthday - foc
~^ what is it that makes u wanna wake up in the morning ^~
yes, i'm back.
reaching the summit of Mt Kinabalu would jolly well be one of the highlights of 2005..
yep..24th may 0557hr..
and my limbs are aching..like nv b4
and cos i left my ccamera chip at hme, i'm waiting for my frens to send me pictures..
~^ what is it that makes u wanna wake up in the morning ^~
somewhere nearer to God
rmb to look up of your place at about 7am on the 24th morning.
I'll be waving to you on SEA highest peak- MT kinabalu.
~^ what is it that makes u wanna wake up in the morning ^~

the end......

what do u do at marina bay....see that powerpuff girl...??

at marina bay...yep! on our 1st mth anni..
be happy for me
some of the photos that flor and me had taken..
~^ what is it that makes u wanna wake up in the morning ^~

that rounds up the day at ubin...2men on bike and one on foot

as usual

it's dead...with its internal organs out.......gruesome murder...sorry for not warning the weak-hearted ones


taken with the camera facing up...

peacock on ubin


okei...let see..this's another 'exploration' altogether...that's me and my two buddies. evan and victor..on the bum boat on the way to ubin

that's ann...at the foot of '184'

yep...training phase for my MT. K expedition (200505 - 250505)...venturing into BT Hill
my days
i've been bz..
bz online. not writing blogs..but working on several project, camp..
just participated in this citibank-ymca youth for causes project thingy.
Organising some fund raising thingy...alongside with some of my frens.
Raising health awareness and assisting Club Rainbow in her cause of helping children suffering
from chronic illnesses thalassaemia maj, biliary atresia, congenital heart diseases, spina bifida....
now, it's only the initial stage..de real stuff is in july/aug when school starts...
i think it's beneficial to me...cos i need such exposure. it'll help in terms of organsing events.
I hafen tried such things...sounds fun..and pple in the community are benefiting...
Also, i'm young...using time wisely...
Ohh ya....somebody remind me to donate blood soon k.
and yep...in case many of the readers dunno still..
I'm happily attached ...and i just 'celebrated' our 1st month..
her name's FLORENCE... that's all i'm saying about her..
next time when i got plenty of time...then i'll upload pictures...then u can see...
There's this p4 kid who i am giving tuition to...
she's smart...she has papers and papers to do...tuition for maths and sci..enrichment for el and cl..piano on mon...church on sun...
well the pt...one day, we were doing this science qn..amongst the many words in the word bank, there is 'matter' and the following qn i'm posing to u, the rightful solution for her level is 'matter'..but let's take a look:
QN: Everything around us is made up of _____.
Answer: Matter
Her response: Mr Ong, it is not true...*start waving her hand above her dining table made of glass*..u see, shadow and reflection..they are not matter..
My response: ......eh...true.....but.....*i shall miss this out*
next, another science qn...
Qn: (picture a container filled with water and marble) What are the type of matter that is inside the container
Ans: Solid and Liquid
Her response: There are solid, liquid and gas
My response: Why gas?
She said: there is gas in the water...if not the fish and the marine creatures will die...
for those who graduated from Tao Nan.. COngrats...
I've got another kid...p5..from NAPS...
my qn: what's the area of a sq?
his ans: ehhhhhhhhh....(10s later)....half base x height
me: then how about the area of a tri?
his ans: hmm .. (5s later))....half base x height
me: what's the difference between a sq and a tri?
his ans:...................... (it nv came)
i continued: how to spell january?
his ans: J A N ........... J A N.............................................................
tat's all
God bless
~^ what is it that makes u wanna wake up in the morning ^~
..has passed since i wrote my blog
~^ what is it that makes u wanna wake up in the morning ^~
a blog dedicate to my dad!
I know mothers' day is coming. strangely this post to for my mother's husband who is also known as my FATHER.
Just wanna let him noe that he is appreciated. The things and sacrifices he has done for this family. We have been a pretty closed-knitted family and off course, w/o a strong and firm and positive head, how is it possible to achieve what we have today.
And certainly I am very thankful for the ever-flowing grace and mercy and love that our Heavenly Father pours out unto us.
---back to my earthly father---
He got a 30 yrs long service award from what he is doing. CAn u believe it!?!? 30 yrs..of working..how about slogging. It's so hard to just wake up so early for 30yrs... and u face problems, issues, politics, people at work. i think he is worth my respect! Certainly! Working his ass of for this family that he builds with his own hand. Not a single cent from his parents.
Although he shouts at me at times when i was still a young boy, a teenagers...(he claims that it was to prepare me for more of that during NS!!! can u believe it?!?), i know it's just his ways of expressing his thoughts. ya la, he has been in the service for at 2decades leh (at that time), he got to deal with his men...
He fetches me to school since secondary school, all the way till i grad from college.
24 xiao4 lao3 ba4.
How grateful. He prepared breakfast....
Now, he even cooks dinner for the family as mummy ends work late. Thanks deeee..
does the laundry when he has to...changes the water in the fish tank occasionally...hahaha..
Though he is shy about his past...he is proud of who he is...i'm sure of that.
C'mon he has 2 pretty ok...ahem..capable kids (decline to elaborate on that. just be grateful for the grace and gifts from God)...one officer ..one is a president of applied science club...
One is earning ... both are attached...
well....not to divert too much
yeps...he's retiring about 7-8 yrs time...that'll be about 4 decades of service in this org..at the meantime..i think he's thinking of getting me a laptop, settle my tuition fee...would it be his CPF or bank loan..., and maybe at the back of his mind..my 21st birthday...hahaha
take care of your health lo dao!
God bless u father
~^ what is it that makes u wanna wake up in the morning ^~