Friday, November 11, 2005


More of You and Less of me

ok...this is my 299th post; my 3rd post today

what do u all want to see on my 300th post?tag ur request
and i'll decide

off course i noe 300th post is nothing magnificient...i just noticed it when it had reached my 292th post...

and at the mean time....i'll take a break from my blog

break: who can define how long or short it's me off course.


More of You and Less of me

i'm quoting from j-mei's geocities...

"And then to understand the value and the beauty of this covenant's seal. Imagine if you spent a lot of time making a piece of tapestry. You used your finest threads, put in hours on it, and couldn't wait to present it to a good friend. Such a precious gift, you hope that appreciate its value and frame it. Well, imagine if your friend received such a precious gift and, instead of valuing it, used it as a floor mat. Oh, how angry would you be?! How disappointed, that your precious item has been cheapened like that. Well, that's how angry God is when we cheapen sex."

"And then, our Lord reminds me of how marriage is made for holiness, not happiness. "

thanks j-mei

found out that u are attached to chris. he looks familiar.
do i noe him? It is very impt pace urself well in a r/s. u wouldn't want to regret not doing so.
be disciplined and the Holy Spirit was continue to help you.

i'm encouraged by reading ur accounts....and really how wonferfully God is using you...God is using you in His perfect way to fulfil His the same time to teach you how to prioritize...


lazy fri...

More of You and Less of me

i happened to read an account of my fren who is also my mei back in DHS.
We weren't exactly close but i knew her life was in turmoil and as much i had done to stop her, encourage her...she was still stucked in the pit hole...lingering so close to death.
she has since been lifted to higher ground after her close shave with eternal separation...she is now living out a life filled with love and grace and thanksgiving.
I saw her months ago when she returned from Au... i was excited that we met...she has tranformed cos she chose to dedicate her life to Christ whom she clearly and thankfully remembered dying for her...

i dunno when u will visit my site again...this kor of urs is thinking of u...and i think u are a great living testimony!

yesterday was my last day of sem1 in sch...if u think this spells something worth a celebration, then u are absolutely wrong. EXAM IS AROUND THE CORNER. and have u tried clearing 5 papers in 7 days...madness...i'll recount the experience after the trauma ok.

gordan and linah would have arrived in toulouse 4 hrs ago.
will miss their presence...glad that they will be back during CNY and juan's wedding..

Monday, November 07, 2005

crazy mon

More of You and Less of me

i'm getting crazy. can't even do video editing properly. cannot even save file properly and lost my file. gotta redo.
devastation and lost man.... u spend like 10hrs on it and vamoosh...and just minutes ago, i felt the ceiling falling on me when i see the big red crosses on my clip table again.

shouldn't have pressed keith so much during yaya camp in june about video editing. so blardy stressful. and thank you keith even though i know u wun be reading my blog. but thanks for lending a helping hand... had to help me burn stuff and travel to meet me. furthermore u are 'preparing' for ur O lvl.

shall treat you one day

shall tie up the many loose end on wed when the group meets.
50% leh... i'm not in smu...i'm in NUS...and why so huge a percentage for project. and damn irritating the fact that information for 2projects were given so late in the semester...

therefore, i shall watch SKY HIGH at 5pm with buddy.
and chiong another project tonight. MS here i come

oh yeh...the thai missionsn trip is from 19th to 28th dec
31st: watchnight
last week of dec: collect result
1st week of 2006: bidding
2nd tues of 2006: hari raya haji
4th week of jan 06: tutorial starts

movies to watch: HP 2x, KInGKOng maybe, Chronicles of Narnia (with YA/cg), Sky High (later)
things to do : survive till noon of 011205, kbox, sentosa, prep for mission, roller bladin, do xmas pressie, spend time consciously with GOD!
things trying hard not to do: slack too much, sleep too little, skip my meals, miss out the important in life...

yep! feeling better after typing out the stupidity of myself at the first part.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

going go (ing gone)

More of You and Less of me

wow. 3rd quarter sem break was self-declared. I'm like an automobile at a petrol kiosk filling up a tank.
now, the tank is almost filled and the automobile is rearing to go.

there was YA retreat, and vic's birthday at minds cafe, later this evening would be dad's birthday celebration.

Tackling CS proj now...then MS by monday night.

Everyone is getting tensed and nervous.
They are getting sick too.

did a silly online feedback on my lecturers and tutors. check out when my lectures will be if i were to take ec,2sw,malay and psychics mods. siao. should i stay free on monday? or fri? or both?
arh...getting back to's already quite late 0215hrs...

going x1.5 le...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

going (going gone)

More of You and Less of me

back from a YA retreat.
considering to return for one more evening from sch.
then again i ought to spend time with family.

going to spend an afternn w bday boy tmr.

so busy.

esp when there's MS and CS proj.

letting it go.......going x1

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