Monday, July 31, 2006

drip drip....someone's' talking

i was on the way to p.ubin during the recent post nvac camp chalet.

suddenly the song "who am i" came into mind.
" i am a flower quickly fading here today and gone tomorrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapour in the wind...
still u hear me when i'm calling lord u catch me when i'm falling...and u told me who i am...i am yours."

"....who am i? that the voice that calmed the sea would call out thru the rain and calm the storm in me..."

"not becos who i am but becos of what u've done, not becos of what i've done but becos of who u are"

and you know the picture of a water droplets that we see around in school when we were young? the "save water- water is precious" sorta campaign...
ya...imagine now, they are really really small...tiny..but we can still them..
(go splash some water on ur face if u still cannot see droplets of water)

what strike me is that our lives are like the waves tossed in the ocean
our lives are so small and perhaps unimportant, insignificant, compared to the sea...

when i was on the bumboat to and from ubin, i saw myself as the tiny drop of water created when the boat sliced the water body... the tiny drop of water came and gone...quick as i can type 'this'. my life is also as short as it is...but Lord you hear me when i call...u know who i am...u make my 1% DNA different from rest of ur creation...
Lord you know my heart's desire...Lord u know me..

suddenly, my life as a water droplet doesn't seem too small worth a Man's life.
He is Jesus.

someone reminded me that i am first a christian then a leader, a server.
someone asked if i am spending as much time with God praying like i am doing things.
someone mentioned i've committed myself to many activities.
someone said " If Christianity is dull and boring, if it is a burden and not a blessing, then most likely you are involved in a project, not a Person- a system not a Saviour, rules than a relationship"
someone shared with me that he finds pleasing God easier as compared to pleasing men.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


for mandarin pop i realised
伤心, 分手,离别 像是 写词人的最好灵感;好朋友一般

Friday, July 28, 2006

not knowing what to type

guys...i dunno what to type...

rmb i said about cca in uni... wow
nvac has led me to various involvement: yellow ribbon proj (sept), volunteerism exposition (aug). and i am considering volunteering regularly at NUH. weekday volunteering.
but there is also regular tuition, s2006(aug), musical (dec, but rehearsal and tea receptionm publicity, recording popping up once in a while), fund raising (aug).
ya, so when term starts...a 4day work tight my life would be.

could u imagine...i was even toying with the idea of joining project superstar (sept)...u know have fun...try new stuff...
in the end, i decided that i might participate in intra school singing competition, for the fun of it

oh! did i forget to tell u pple THAT I AM GOING FOR MY FIRST LIVE! NATIONAL DAY PARADE THIS YR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOHOOO....goodie goodie seat!
my fren got the hint and invited me along!!

competition for my remaining modules is high.
i wonder how much loss i'll incur.

we are nv perfect
we can only strive to be ...but we will nv be it.
swallow it

Friday, July 21, 2006



不过我与她 因为曾经参加了一样的课余活动, 也去了同一个国家比赛,演出,所以本来是可以在六年前做朋友, 但是那时候我们与对方毫无相干。 何况两校碰面的机会几乎零,因此认识她的机会也自然地就非常低咯。

曾经学过某某俗语,但因为好久没应用了,所以就忘到一干二净。还好我大概懂它的意思, 就是:从你肩走过的人很多而只有几个会成为朋友。。差不多是这样啦。

但说句实话,若我们六年前碰面的话,我们也不会在比赛后继续联络吧。六年后我们的友谊却在一个迎新营开始了。 说来也蛮怪的。为什么呢?因为,在营会的最后一晚我们才讲到话。在那短短的对话中,我说她看起来廷面善的,好像在哪儿见过 (大家,请不要胡乱猜测。。我住家的屋顶不允许我上,所以她不是我梦里那模糊的人。)。


我与她 认识的时间不久可是在一起的时候廷舒服的。我会这么说并没含有其他意思喔,而是要和朋友们说其实男人女人之间是可以凭着信义, 包容建立一个让人羡慕的友谊。也可能像她说的,当男人女人之间有那种爱意的话,事情也许会被即残忍又幼稚的社会,朋友糟蹋了。

她 意志坚强,也带有一丝丝地固执。 她 一但作出决定,就不后悔。谨劝你一句话:事事难预料。她 性格倔强,但带有一丝丝地柔软。她 霸道,坚持,stubborn 的时候, 样子可爱,搞笑, 吓人!

我的朋友 对一些东西执著。。我的朋友 对一些食物敏感


一块儿到kbox唱k, 被人“砍”。。。
哦!我们也一起发送过简讯!! 哈哈=)







Friday, July 14, 2006

a series of events


just the other day, i went out with a bunch of old frens...well..we knew each other for 6 yrs. we had uncountable happy moments when we lived our days carefreely, less examination stresses, but now when i meet the grp, suffocating.
how? in what sense? the conversations were barely superficial...were barely there..exchanged smiles, 'hi-s', ... i am different bah.
someone mentioned that one of the reasons why i have more to speak to the other 50% is that i talk about pple, relationship, thoughts...rather than activities, games...
nah...let's move on...


as the days go by... i ask myself... if evan was right..then what am i waiting for?
as the days go by... i tell myself ... if linah's advice impacts me, then what am i doing...?
as the days go by... i sigh to myself, i mumble to myself, i sing to myself... i am going crazy thinking about it.


i saw it...finally... the question which was seeded within me 5 yrs ago... and on one hand i am disappointed ...on the other hand...i still respect u...
does she know?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

now that ... 有时

now that the world cup is over and life is back to usual... i hope my lifestyle will be normalised.

now that school is just 1 month away... i am starting to miss the carefree life of a student who is enjoying every ticking moments of the holz

now that school is but a month away... i am hoping that it will come soon cos when the break is wee too long... many unexpected and unnecessary issues will pop up. yea, as though i am free to tackle them

now that i've gotten myself a few more potential good frens... and one of them so powerful in cl, one of them sings in a chinese band... nvac camp wasn't too bad an idea.

now that i'm recovering from sorethroat, flu and cough...i am hoping she and many others are experiencing that too...

now that i am placing/am going to place myself in a confusing and rather dangerous state... i dunno how to do control, who to ..... , what to do,..., where to start, when to do it...

now that i know someone is searching for my blog online... i will increase the difficulty of a successful search by not revealing any names...

(off course i will love my family...readers should know why i mean...duh...u all are grown ups)

有时女人 把爱看得太重;
有时男人却 把爱当作一场梦。

但有时后因为在这个不行,那个也不行 的情况下



人。。。只好仰望耶稣, 信靠他, 爱 他。

Thursday, July 06, 2006

nvac superstar

amidst work and and my nvac frens WENT kboxing today la...
so many of them can jolly well take part in the upcoming superstar competition...goodness,
there are so many pple who can croon, serenade...whatever u wanna call ...

the like *shing Shing shing* got X factor wan man...

maybe we all can hold the next nvac camp at ktv le la
maybe we can all queue overnight to get a taste of being a 超级superstar participants

looking fwd to force outing on fri which i prob cannot go...*wishful look*
looking fwd to post camp chalet *piang...gotta leave in the afternn for tuition*

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


are u a singaporean..?

i ain't wanna get back the old way.
gonna get consultation soon.

the module preference thingy is giving me headache. siao liao.
cos if i take thai2, i'll have 2 exams on a day -am and pm. my brain prob cannot take it.
if i were to stop thai, take on malay, my tuition may get disrupted.

talking about tuition, pretty korean mother intro me to her not-so-pretty korean mother...but the latter wan has 2 boys. she requests that i teach them for a month. so coo rite.. another 2 boys...

with 4days tuition, the fund raising thingy better get itself sorted out man.
trial runs, publicising...

yea, publicising... clown pub comm looked for me to do pub for it for covenant.

then again...talking about church, do u know how relieved i was when i found out that church camp will not be an annual event. or else....i think my pocket might burnt...cos...

next yr, i wanna go thailand for mission again... then there might be ep youth camp, yaya camp...all sorts of stuff...not forgetting i will be going for attachment next may.

some jokes are bad.

Monday, July 03, 2006

over-heated and cooled

two weeks of packed packed activities had sapped me of every ounce of energy.
Now that i just recovered from fatigue... it's time for me to get my butt off and start working on the fund raising in aug.

the last two weeks have been fruitful in terms of knowing more pple both from church and school. and how glad i am to befriend freshmen who are keen to major in sw.

for me, when so much hype and fun suddenly died out, lost seemed to fill in the gap...

i need to learn to appreciate silence
i have to hear His whisper in quietness.

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